"Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on." - Louis L'Amour
"Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." - Anton Chekhov
The English Council Pte. Ltd. (TEC) is proud to present its inaugural nationwide Creative Writing Competition extended to all Singaporean & PR students in Singapore between the ages of 10 and 19 years old in 2020.

Pick ONE of the following five essay topics and write an original story between 500 and 800 words in length:
- The Red Box
- Start and end your original story with the following sentence: ‘I never liked the colour purple.’
- Write an original story based on: You are in the middle of a secluded desert. You see a mirror in the distance and as you gravitate towards it, you reach out and touch it.
- 2068
- Schadenfreude
Submit your original story to writingcompetition@theenglishcouncil.com by 5th December 2020 Saturday, 19th December 2020, 6.00pm.
1st Prize (Overall Winner): Apple iPad
2nd Place Winner (Age Group – 10 to 14 Years Old): $400 TEC Gift Card
2nd Place Winner (Age Group – 15 to 19 Years Old): $400 TEC Gift Card
Plus 27 Consolation Prizes
Submission Date:
5th December 19th December 2020, 6.00pm
Notification of Shortlisted Candidates by:
12th December 2020 9th – 12th January 2021
Workshop Date & Time:
Saturday, 19th December
Saturday, 16th January 2021
2.00pm to 6.00pm
Broadcast of Top 3 Winners:
December 2020 January 2021
*Dates and terms have been amended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Submissions for this event are closed. A big ‘thank you’ to all contestants for their participation and support.
We look forward to reading each and every creative masterpiece. Stay tuned by liking or following us on our Facebook Page.
Write on & let the magic happen!
This competition is strictly open to all Singaporean and PR students only, who are aged between 10 and 19 years old in 2020.
Each contestant may submit only ONE entry. ALL entries MUST be original and written by the contestant in English. The entries must not have been published anywhere else at the time of submission.
All participants MUST Like and Share any one of The English Council’s (TEC) Nationwide Creative Writing Competition 2020 posts on TEC’s Facebook Page (See link: https://www.facebook.com/theenglishcouncil/) on their Facebook Wall, Instagram or any social media platform in the form of a post. The audience setting of the latter post on the contestant’s social media profile MUST be set to public (where applicable) and remain actively published until the closing date of this competition. All submissions MUST include a screen grab(s) of the latter, along with TEC’s Entry Form (See below).
Entries that do not meet the minimum word count of 500 words or those that exceed the word count of 800 words will be immediately disqualified. Personal details of the contestant written on the first page will not contribute to the final word count.
The submission deadline is 19th December 2020 at 6.00pm. Late submissions will not be entertained.
This is a FREE event and there is no participation fee of any kind required.
Entries must be submitted via email to writingcompetition@theenglishcouncil.com and must use TEC’s Word Document template (CLICK HERE). The first page of this Word Document MUST be completed and endorsed with the contestant’s signature before submission. The contestant’s essay should start only from page two of the Word Document and should be typed in Arial font-size 12, double-spaced and in black only. Before submission, the Word Document needs to be renamed by changing ‘FULL NAME’ to the contestant’s full name.
30 shortlisted contestants will be selected by the faculty of The English Council Pte. Ltd. and they will be notified by January 2021. The 30 selected contestants will be invited to attend a compulsory and complimentary Creative Writing Clinic, where they will undergo a second level of selection process during which they will be further assessed. This will be conducted on Saturday, 16th January 2021 from 2.00pm to 6.00pm. (Shortlisted contestants will be notified of the venue via text message or email closer to the date). Of the 30 shortlisted contestants, 3 of them will be announced as the top winners based on their performance during the Creative Writing Clinic. The remaining 27 contestants will be awarded with a consolation prize. The results of the top 3 winners of The English Council’s Nationwide Creative Writing Competition 2020 will be published on The English Council’s website or social media page by January 2021.
In view of the global spread of COVID-19, every effort will be taken during the Creative Writing Clinic to ensure the safety of all our participants through prior mandatory travel declarations of all parties directly involved in the event and temperature checks of all parties on the actual day before the commencement of the event.
By submitting the essay to the competition, the contestant grants The English Council Pte. Ltd. and its affiliates the non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, world-wide, royalty-free license (with the right to sub-license) to keep and reproduce, edit, display, transmit, modify, publish and otherwise make use of the submitted entries in any and all media for any purpose consistent with the corporate objectives of The English Council Pte. Ltd., including educational, archival and research purposes, and for publicising The English Council Pte. Ltd. or any of its programmes, including derivative works for such purposes. Where practical, the essay will be attributed to the student who submitted it.
In addition, by submitting the essay or any other content to the Creative Writing Competition, the contestant declares that the submitted materials do not infringe on any copyright or other rights of any third party, and that the contestant has the right to grant any and all rights and licenses to The English Council Pte. Ltd.
The English Council Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to change any of the above terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.